Enter your email address. Use the same email address if you have previously signed up.
You will see this screen if you have signed up before with Biz Analyst. Enter your password that you used while creating the account.
If you do not remember your password, you can click on the Forgot Password? link.
Enter your email address. Use the same email address if you have previously signed up.
Create a new account by signing up with the requested details.
Connect your TallyPrime & Tally ERP 9 * to Biz Analyst by following instructions here.
If your TallyPrime & Tally ERP 9 * is open and the port number is set to 9000, Biz Analyst Application will automatically detect and save the configuration else you will need to put in your appropriate port number.
Open your companies in "Tally" which you want to sync to your phone.
Select the company that you want to sync and view in your mobile and click ADD.
Select the Timezone, month and year from when you want to see the synced data on your mobile and click DONE.
Click ADD MORE if you want to add new companies' data
After that the company have been added successfully,click RESTART to restart app.
That was it! Your syncing should now start in a few minutes.
It may take some time (depends on the number of vouchers in Tally) to complete the sync process as it is the first time your data is being synced.